Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Look at the stupid fucking idiot.

I believe that when a moron like this acts out and hurts people. Their name should be removed from all records. It should be as if they never existed. No network news spouting their name over and over. No discussions as to why they might have committed the horriffic acts. Just an unmarked hole in the ground. Actually less than a hole in the ground, I think throwing their corpse into a landfill would be much more suitable.


  1. Let's all give a special shout-out to the idiots at NBC who keep insisting on publicizing the idiot's rants. Way to go, NBC! More airtime for the mass killer!

  2. What's really odd is that he sounds EXACTLY like Napoleon Dynamite, "GOSH!".

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Senationalism = News, apparently. Especially on cable.

    They should tell us what we need to know, not what he wanted us to know,

  4. Yeah, that's the problem when tragic things like this happen.
    The idiots are made into celebrities by the media.

  5. Amen! That's the first intelligent comment I've heard about this incident!

  6. I don't know about no afterlife, but this asshole needs an infinite ass-kicking-- not a posthumous soapbox.
    Tell it like it is, Brother Vincent!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Well, he did write a play with a character named Dick McBeef. You've got to give him that.

  9. See what happens when ASSUME that "quiet guy" isn't a danger to anyone?

  10. The only thing the news does by showing it over and over is make it trendy again. Holy crap.

  11. I agree Vicent. This loser dose not deserve any more attention, the news networks are giving exactly what this vile coward what he wanted. I did not bother watch his video and I never will. Ah well, what can you except by the whores who want there ratings ? They don't have a shread of human decency.

  12. Feed him and his parents to the pigs. How did they get a free pass in this deal?

  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I disagree. There were many times when he gave signs of having problems and people could have stepped in and helped him but somehow didn't. We need to learn from mistakes like this otherwise it will happen again.

  14. I don't have a problem with making public, the signs to look for that indicate someone might lean toward aberrant and dangerous behavior. I have a problem with making the killer famous. We don't need to know who he was or what he looked like. We certainly didn't need to see his insane videos.
    I still say bury the killer in an unmarked grave and scratch their name from all history.
    If we catch them alive there needs to be a media blackout on their names and images.
    No fame for the killing of innocents.
