Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Another Step

This is what happens when you don't plan. Your drawing can turn into a too busy textural nightmare. I still might be able to pull this out. We shall see.


chrisallison said...

damn, that looks sweet!

are you inking on super thin vellum? a trick i learned from a local artist is to put light washes on the back of the velum to get a little value. might be able to unify your bg and have this character pop still!

i'm getting one of these goddam pens!

Vincent Waller said...

Hey Chris,
I did this on animation paper. Good tip on the velum. I'll bet it'll work on this paper as well.

Anon, I accidentally deleted your comment. Sorry.
But no I haven't had any trouble per say, with mustaches.

jose hosel [old raffin] said...


thanks a bunch for putting this up. great to look at. stare at, even.

Miles Thompson said...

when in doubt, black it out


Vincent Waller said...

Thanks Miles, and yes the Ultimate Wally Wood quote.
Happy Thursday everyone.

Anonymous said...

Looks awesomw so far

Unknown said...

It is a bit confusing, but it's still fuckin terrific. Awesome pose on the guy getting shot, and nice wrinkles!!

Ryan Khatam said...

hahahaha holy shit! i love that you added the gun element. guns always make a situation 10 times as intense.

i'm going to be honest and say that i think it was a mistake putting the boat directly behind the guy, it makes that area really busy and difficult to read. but you probably already know this, plus it seems you're just practicing with the brush pen - so i guess it doesn't matter :P

Vincent Waller said...

Yeah Ryan, that is what I meant by not planning.

Ryan Khatam said...

oops thats what i get for not reading

Ryan G. said...

Holy Shit! Its Awesome! Cool perspective.. I like that it really involves the viewer into the compostion with the gun in the fore front. Definitley keep posting more of these ink drawings!

Marc Deckter said...

We're about to hear a splash.

Anonymous said...

VERY nice! looks like some old E.C. stuff! keep up the great work, Vincent. Awesome!

Kenny P. said...

THAT POOR POOR MAN!!! Getting lost in the background of an unplanned drawing! ;)

Believe me, I know a lot about getting stuck in the background of drawings.

Stupid backgrounds.

Benjamin Arcand said...

Awesome pose & pants!

Anonymous said...

I actually like how busy it looks! It looks right out of Shock SuspenStories from EC?

Vincent Waller said...

Thanks Brian & Ben. i'm still futzing with it i'll post it if I manage to pull it into shape.