Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Meal Penalty


Anonymous said...

Sweet! Nuthin' better than a man lookin' for a meal! What's the background behind him? Some kinda meal ticket/time card thing-a-ma-jig?

Vincent Waller said...

Hey Art. Yeah that's our time card. I try and throw a drawing on it for the folks in accounting.
A habit I stole from Kenny P

Kenny P. said...

I only drew a severed arm on mine this week.

Marc Deckter said...

A happy walk and bouncing hat - awesome.

Nick must have the luckiest accounting staff in the industry.

Vincent Waller said...

Im sure Kenny that was a wonderfully severed arm.
Hi Marc
I've no idea what accounting does with these or if they just go into the circle file.

Benjamin Arcand said...

Great funny lookin' character!

I like the BG; I like how you "paint-bucketed" the schedule.

Marlo said...

wow, the background really adds to the drawing! nice! your inking technique is really unusual, i love it