Monday, April 06, 2009

TitMouse Smashing Party

I apologize for the blurry pics, but it's the best the IPhone would do.I tried taking shots with my good camera. But the flash then turned the protective mess meant to keep broken glass out of the spectator's eyes, into a solid wall of blackness.

So please enjoy (such as they are)pictures of The Infamous, well put together and all around fun time that IS The TitMouse Smashing Party 2009


Jack said...

What's up with your blog? The pics arent showing up and the text randomly dissapers when I drag my mouse over it. Is it just my comp?

Vincent Waller said...

Hey Jack, sorry about that. I'm trying to upload the vid straight from my computer and its taking forever.

Sam said...

Did you run into Ryan Khatam? He works there.

Vincent Waller said...

I did,I saw him on my way in when I was carrying my object to be smashed. I thanked him for taking down the drawing, and I didn't see him after that.