Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Louis C.K.

Why did the 4 babies get thrown out of the bar? Cause they're just 4 stupid fucking little babies. Shitty fucking babies.

I would never punt a baby, and in no way support anyone punting an actual baby.


Steven M. said...

Puts a new meaning to "kick the baby."

Anonymous said...

For a second there, I thought you were serious with those angry words. Love the drawing though. Grotesque, cute, ugly, and fucking funny at the same time. Not even Photoshop or Illustrator can tone down the cartoonyness of these drawings. Unbelievable!

JohnDoe123 said...

Love that baby's cranium!

Trey Brown said...

^im pretty sure its the same meaning. when did louis say that? was it from one of his hbo specials? bravo on the picture by the way. but it goes without saying everything on your blog is incredible.

K-T said...

I loaf it's mushy cranium!

Anonymous said...

This one reminds me the comicbook issue from spumco featuring jimmy as babysitter.One of my fav comics!